Race Review: HomeTeamNS Real Run 2018 [21 km] (by stargazer)
This year's Home TeamNS Real Run is held at The Meadow, Gardens By The Bay on 21st October. Compared to last year's run at Punggol Waterway, this year's incorporates 2 new categories: 3 km fun walk and 21 km run. I am participating in the 21 km run, while...
YOLO Run – The Redemption Run (by KenJoe)

And so after a break, I went back to 10 km races with the Straits Times Run. Didn't have enough time and there wasn't any 'interesting' topics so I will skip the account for that. Suffice to say it was a reasonably satisfactory race in most aspects.
YOLO Run 2017...
My Home TeamNS Real Run 2018 [HM] (by Lingderella)
Like a zombie because I only had a little more than just an hour of sleep as I reached home late due to participating in Asics Relay full marathon category, that was held in Sentosa which ended just a mere few hours before Home TeamNS Real Run flagged off.
Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2018 (by healthobeing)
Another hot favourite for the ladies, the Great Eastern Women Run never fail to attract large number of female participants to join annually. From goodie bag, to the race itself, the race never fail to surprise the ladies.
Race Pack Collection
Race pack collection was held at Marina Square atrium over...
Review: B.I.G Farm Walk and Run 2018 [8 km] (by stargazer)
When we mention the west part of Singapore, the 2 things that usually comes to our minds are: factories and farms. There are not many races that are being held in the west. Thus, I signed up immediately when this event was opened for registration. I was curious where,...
Race Review: The Straits Times Run 2018 [18.45 km] (by SwimmingRunner)
The Straits Times Run was held at Singapore Sports Hub on 23 September 2018 (sorry for the late posting). This is the 5th time Straits Times organised this race ever since its debut in year 2013. More details can be found at https://www.straitstimesrun.com. There were 3 different running distances to...
Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2018 [21.1KM] (by maylindateo)
Race date: 14 October 2018
The Great Eastern Women’s Run (GEWR) has established itself as SouthEast Asia’s largest all-women’s run. This year, they celebrate their 13th edition with a brand-new location at Singapore Sports Hub. In addition to the 5 race categories (21.1KM, 10KM, 5KM, 2KM mummy & me, Princess...
My YOLO Run 2018 Singapore [10km] (by Lingderella)
Anyway, it's not 10km but 9km. How can something so simple fail? ?
I'm running because it's a free run as I'm their participants last year. Thank you Justina for collecting the participants entitlements for me ? Thought the run will not happen as race pack collection was just announced...