Race Review: Gatorade Run 2016 [22km]
Gatorade Run is one of the most awaited event I've been spotting on, since last year I wasn't able to participate because of conflict on events.
Well the registration fee was a little bit pricey, 1,700php for 22km event, which includes Event shirt, finisher's shirt, finisher's medal & loot bag....
Race Review: The Performance Series 2016 (Race 5) [10km] (by i_Sam)

My Race Journey
Transcend yourself, did you? Were you able to achieve the goals you have set for yourself? Were you able to push yourselves beyond the limits of those goals? These are just a few of the questions I have in mind as I reflect on this year’s running...
“ENCORE” (The Performance Series 2016 – Race 5, Farm)

When the last is not the last, you get the encore.
This race was not supposed to happen. YOLO run was supposed to be the last race together with my sons; but as it turns out, JustRunLah offered me a free slot (thank you) for the finale run for the...
Race Review: The Performance Series 2016 (Race 5) [10km] (by KenJoe)

I have been looking forward to the finale race for the year 2016 with the Performance Series Race 5 for various reasons. One of which is about homecoming.
For this race, it has been a homecoming race in many ways. It's held at Kranji Farm, much closer to my home...
Race Review: The Performance Series 2016 (Race 5) [10km] (by ‘Rebekah Ong’)
Sunday, 18 December 2016 was my last run event for the year – The Performance Series (TPS) Race 5 held at Kranji Countryside. Like all other TPS races, Race 5 promised participants a run with a different experience. I was looking forward to running at a place where I...
Race Review: OSIM Sundown Marathon Penang 2016 (by Ranjetta)

A pleasant season this year, I thought to myself, as I finished a 7k tower run last week. It was supposed to be my final run for 2016, and I was prepared to hang my running shoes for a few weeks to recover from all that street-pounding.
I then received...
Race Review: The Performance Series 2016 (Race 5) [10km] (by ‘red3’)

And we have reached the end of the Performance Series. One last 10km race to wrap up the year. However, when you live nearly at the furthest point of south-east Singapore and you have to get diagonally to the furthest north-west point of Singapore by 6am it would be...
Race Review: The Performance Series 2016 (Race 5) [10km] (by Maylindateo)
This is my first 10KM race as I have never taken part in any races lesser than a half marathon.
What attracted me to this race is the location. I have always wanted to run at Kranji Countryside but I reckon I will hardly get a chance as it’s...