Race Review: Junior Spartan Obstacle Race 2016 (by ‘red3’)

I really wasn't interested in registering my daughter, Trinity for this year's Junior Spartan Obstacle Race. Certainly not at $55 given that last year when she did participate we only paid $30 for the event. I couldn't figure why nearly double the price and in a location that was...
Race Review: Race Against Hunger 2016 [10km] (by Moses)

The inaugural Race Against Hunger is organised by Yum! Asia Franchise in support of the United Nations World Food Programme. I was glad to be supporting this race as all registration fees were to be dedicated to this programme 🙂 As with my other reviews, do look out for...
Race Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2016 [21.1km] (by ‘red3’)

It's getting increasingly difficult to keep up with my writing but I would be remiss not to record my first ever half marathon experience. So this comes a good three weeks after the event but in years to come I'll be relieved I had captured the experience to some...
Race Review: 42 Race – November 21 Days Challenge (by Rebekah Ong)
I finally received it!!! I was delighted to see it arrive in the mail. You must be wondering what I'm talking about, well, my hard earned 50km Finisher medal for November's #42Race #21DaysChallenge had arrived! The November's #42Race #21DaysChallenge was my first ever virtual race.
What is a “Virtual Race”? This...
Race Review: SGX Bull Charge 2016 [5km] (by Rebekah Ong)
Rain rain stay away were the few words that I could ran through my mind of as the minutes drew closer to 17:00 hrs on Friday (18/11/2016) evening! The weather had been really unpredictable the past few days and my colleagues and I were unsure whether we could even...
Race Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2016 [21.1km] (by Sharon)

Wow! What an amazing race! This year's GEWR is definitely my most enjoyable run to date - in the 18 short months I've been running. This is the second year I've participated in GEWR. Last year was my first half-marathon (and my second ever race), which I completed with...
Race Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2016 [HM] (by Lingderella)
LOL! Why didn't I learn ballet when I was still a kid? At first I didn't want to run a half marathon in tutu as I thought will be quite "irritating" to run 21km in it but I survived a half marathon in a tutu perfectly fine ? About...
Race Review: Great Eastern Women’s Run 2016 [5 KM] (by Rebekah Ong)
Great Eastern Women's Run (GEWR) is an annual run event which caters to female runners of all levels. It is one of the few ALL women run events in Singapore. I have joined the previous editions of the GEWR in 2013 and 2015 and enjoyed every moment of it.