Race Review: Yolo Run 2016 [5km] (by ‘red3’)

It was with much anticipation I looked forward to the Yolo Run held at Gardens by the Bay East.
In my three years of running this was my first opportunity to run with my sister, Annie, in a local race.
Annie works out with a trainer six days a week but...
Race Review: The Performance Series Race #4 (Bedok Reservoir) [10km] (by ‘red3’)

Hard to believe we've just completed the fourth Performance Series race. The months are clicking by with each race in a different location and the fourth one on my home grounds.
Held at Bedok Reservoir, John, Remek and I opted for the first wave at 6.30am. It was close to...
Race Review: Newton Challenge 2016 [32km] (by Lingderella)
Unlock your best run. Though at one point, I thought it is possible that I could finish within the 32km within 3hrs35mins, but I was lazy and not determined enough, after entering Gardens by the Bay east I walked a lot which is still about 8km more to...
Race Review: Newton Challenge 2016 [32km] (by i_Sam)

My Race Journal
This year's edition of the Newton Challenge 2016 took place at the Marina Barrage on a very fine Sunday morning with a favorable cool weather and with the challenging ramp included on the final stretch of the race route making it somewhat unique. This is my second...
Race Review: YOLO Run 2016 [10 KM] (by KenJoe)

You Only Live Once - YOLO. Easy to understand, a catchy phrase that can appeal to most, if not all. This is the name of the run that started in 2015. The company behind the run is Singapore-based garment manufacturer X-Change Republic and the founder of this company is Xavier Bay, a 26-year-old...
Race Review: The Running Diva Malaysia [10 km] (by Gerlyn)

Hello JustRunLah! Readers!
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post on Tinkerbell Half Marathon a few months back! Today I will be sharing about this run I did when I just started running in February 2016.
This race was my first longest run, 10km run and it's pretty challenging due...
Race Review: YOLO Run 2016 [10 km] (by SY)

YOLO - You Only Live Once
This term #yolo is familiar to most in the younger generation; expressing the need to 'seize the day' and to live life to the fullest. It aptly reflects their dreams to make a difference in that one life each of them has. YOLO Run adopts the following...
Race Review: Salomon X-Trail Run 2016 [10km] (by Moses)

I genuinely found this to be quite a thrill. Or trail, should I say. I will try to provide an adequately detailed, objective account of my race experience. Do look out for the font in italics as I highlight some aspects constituting my race experience 🙂
Race Category
10km Competitive! Original rates were pretty...