Race Review: The Performance Series, Race 2, Jurong Lake (by Jillian)

The second run of The Performance Series was held on 26 June 2016 at Jurong Lake. This will be the last run before the area closes for renovation.
Due to the large number of participants in this race, the 10 km race flag off was divided into 3 different slots....
Race Review: runDisney 2016 Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend (6th to 8th May...

Hello JustRunLah Readers!
I am Gerlyn, the main blogger of Ger'z World Blog which basically shares about travelling, and running events mostly for these few years. Just to share, my blogging style over here will be more formal than what you read on www.gerzworld.com reason being is this blog will...
Race Review: The Performance Series, Race 2, Jurong Lake [10km] (by iamspartan6318)
Jurong Lake run. The 2nd run in The Performance Series. Consisting of a series of 5 races. This is the one run that combines medals from 5 individual races into a complete Singapore map. The one run powered by passion card. The one run that will help you perform...
Race Review: Faire Un Voyage 2016 (by iamspartan6318)
Just one day after the 7km event at treetop walk, we are here again for another fitness activity. The Faire Un Voyage. We have signed up for this event a while back. Total costs? $50 for 2 adults and 2 kids. Comes with a grand total of 4x t-shirts,...
Race Review: PCCW Global Charity Run 2016 [5KM] (by iamspartan6318)
I wasn't sure if I was able to make it for this run. After all, it was only a couple of days after my first half-marathon and this event was happening on a weekday. What's my motivation for signing up? Well, as explained in my earlier post, this is...
Race Review: OSIM Sundown Marathon 2016 [HM] (by iamspartan6318)
Like most people, I have a regular sleep cycle. Which is to sleep early(actually much closer to midnight) and wake up early. I try not do anything that will disrupt this cycle. Otherwise poof, you become a zombie with limited cognitive abilities for the entire day. So, why did...
Race Review: Batman v Superman Run 2016 [5km] (by ‘iamspartan6318’)
What's up with super heroes these days? One moment it is Captain America versus Iron man. The next you have Batman versus Superman. Perhaps the movies are a reflection of the complex world we live in. You may think you are doing the right thing but someone else might...
Race Review: The Performance Series, Race 2, Jurong Lake [10KM] (by KenJoe)

Transcend Yourself - the theme for the Performance Series continues for myself too just the past Sunday. So after the Series 1, 10 Km (Oasis/Island) run on 1st May, this is the second one held at Jurong Lake. I joined the 10 Km race again, thanks to JustRunLah, again with a free slot.