Race Review: Run N Raisin’ 2015 [10 km] (by ‘Ah Girl’)

Race concept: Charity Run
The Run & Raisin’ is an annual charity run and carnival organised by TOUCH Young Arrows (TYA) since 2011 and they aim to raise $300,000 to benefit needy children and families under the care TYA. Also, they aim to increase public awareness of TYA’s work in the...
Race Review: Orange Ribbon Run 2015 [10 km] (by ‘Ah Girl’)

Race concept: Race Against Racism
OnePeople.sg's Orange Ribbon Celebrations aims to rally the community in one voice and make a stand against racism. The Orange Ribbon Run is their signature event where people of all races gather and have fun through running, thereby promoting the values of friendship, mutual understanding...
Race Review: Ironman 70.3 Bintan (by Ginni Chan)

It was a wonderful weekend in Bintan, more so for participating in the Ironman 70.3 Bintan race. This is my third 70.3 event and as the sayings goes, 'third is a charm' is indeed true.
Due to many factors such as proper nutrition, double training sessions, good weather and racing with...
Race Review: Tri-Factor Triathlon 2015 (by ‘hedgiebunny’)
My First (Standard) Triathlon - Checked
My last blog post was in May where I attended a Triathlon Training Clinic conducted by MetaSport in anticipation of participating in my first standard triathlon.
On 23 August 2015, I finally did it - 1500m swim, 36km bike and 10km run (in this order)...
Race Review: Durian Run Singapore 2015 (by Zhiyong)

What is the best way to celebrate an unbelievable durian harvest?
In Singapore, of course, is to organise a durian run/feast.
In most races, runners get finisher medal/t-shirt. At Durian Run, all 4 runners in the team enjoy a basket of 6 durians as reward. Additionally, runners got to enjoy an ice-cream...
Race Review: Shape Run 2015 (by Ginni Chan)

To me, Shape Run is a 'die-die-must-join' event and I am proud to say I have never missed a single edition since 2008!
Managed to dig up some photos of myself at 2013, 2014 and 2015 Shape Run. (The power of Facebook and photo credits to the Running Kaki and Runcapture...
Race Review: Singapore International Triathlon 2015 (by Ginni Chan)

It's been almost 3 months since my last triathlon race at 70.3 Ironman Danang. and more than 1 year in an OD distance race. I remembered Singapore Triathlon used to be called OSIM Triathlon and the 2009 edition was my first triathlon event where I competed in the mini category with...
Race Review: Tri-Factor Run 2015 (by ‘red3’)

It's with trepidation I start every single running race nowadays. An ongoing problem with my ankle post injury in March, means that I never really know how I will manage on the day of the race. Having been committed to the Trifactor Series since I registered last year, regardless...