Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2015 [21km] (by Moses)

A little disclaimer: I didn't sign up for this race. Instead, the race bib (albeit one of the opposite gender) was given to me the day before the race. To minimise inconvenience in the case of an emergency, I had ensured that the details on the race bib (such as my...
Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2015 [21km] (by ‘runforfun’)

Finally 2xu Compression Run 2015 is here. This is the first time that I participated in this race. And also this is the first time that I have to wake up at 2 am for a run. However it was super worth it!
The race is a dreaded route of...
Race Review: 2XU Compression Run [21km] (by TheMinionGoesRunning)
This race was supposed to be held in March. However, due to national mourning week, Pink Apple (organiser of 2XU Compression Run) decided to postpone it to 2 August. The organisers could have just cancelled the event as all races would state in their terms and conditions: “The organiser...
Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2015 [21km] (by Zhiyong)

Initially the thought of waking up at 2am and starting the race at 4.30am was daunting. However, on hind sight, it was actually great as the weather remained cooling throughout the race.
Getting to the event venue was quite challenging for drivers as there were limited parking lots at Marina...
Race Review: Singapore International Triathlon (by ‘red3’)

It's 9.45am and a small team of Costans are nervously waiting for their wave to commence. Michelle, working on becoming a seasoned triathlete (this is her 4th mini-triathlon in less than 12 months) is joined by triathlon newbies Paul, Caitriona and Maree.
It's a terrific morning, great weather albeit a little...
Race Review: Shape Run 2015 [15km] (by ‘SmallSteph’)
Friends from my #fitfam praise Shape Run as one of the better ladies-only runs in Singapore, and I agree, but I couldn't nail down the exact reason until I completed my second Shape Run on 26 July 2015.
Registering for the Shape Run was like making a new friend...
A friend...
Race Review: Tri-Factor Run 2015 [24km] (by MJ)

The Tri-factor Run 2015 was held on 26 July 2015 and I had registered for the 24km category. But as the days drew nearer, I was having second thoughts as I had not been training consistently and the longest run I had was 15 km. But upon collecting the...
Race Review: Shape Run 2015 [10km] (by ‘runforfun’)

I Got A Personal Best!
With an official gun time of 54 min 03 sec (nett time of 53 min 43 sec) at my first Shape Run! This fulfills one of my running goals that I had created for at the start of the year (link). I am so excited that...