Singapore | JustRunLah! - Part 20


Relay Majulah: A ground-up initiative by Singaporeans, for Singaporeans, made a mark in...

Relay Majulah, Singapore’s first-ever 2,000-kilometre relay, concluded yesterday evening with Speaker of Parliament, Tan Chuan-Jin, running the final 10-kilometres leg of the relay into the MES Theatre at Mediacorp Campus for the live telecast of the President’s Star Charity. A ground-up initiative to collectively challenge 200 runners to complete...

My OXFITT II Run [18km](by Lingderella)

Privileged to be a pacer for OXFITT run ❤ I was pacing for the 18km category at 7 minutes pace to finish the 18km under 2hours and 10minutes. It's my first longest pacing distance ever so I was rather stressed and at the same time looking forward to the...

Thomson Nature Park, Singapore’s 7th nature park, now open and is unique for...

Thomson Nature Park, Singapore's seventh nature park, is now open. Due to its proximity to the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (CCNR), the 50-hectare Thomson Nature Park is rich in biodiversity. Its extensive forest area is home to rare animals such as the Sunda Pangolin, Malayan Porcupine, and the critically...

Race Review: Great Eastern Women Run 2019

Somewhat becoming a yearly affair.  Like the Shape Run, this race is something not to be missed. The bountiful goodie bag, great finishing point taking a lot of consideration for women's needs. Usual online signup, insurers with Great Eastern will get special promotional prices, early bird and loyalty rates are...

A Great Journey Of Fun For Close To 13,000 Ladies

Singapore, 3 November 2019 – Close to 13,000 ladies laced up their running shoes and pounded the streets at the 14th edition of the Great Eastern Women’s Run (GEWR) this morning. The region’s largest all-women’s run saw ladies come together to celebrate and pledge their commitment towards a healthier...

Relay Majulah: Gathering the nation’s support to run towards a magic number

Come 2 November, 200 runners from all walks of life will come together to participate in Relay Majulah with a collective goal of raising a million dollars for 67 charities under the President’s Challenge. Flagging off at noon from the Singapore Sports Hub, a baton will be passed from runner...

The 2nd Edition Of District Race Singapore Saw Over 3,200 Participants Explore Their...

Race participants covered a total of 33,609 kilometres during the race and contributed to the planting of 6,722 trees across Asia as part of a joint initiative by MSIG Insurance and District Race SingaporeA high turnout of over 3,200 participants took part in the 2nd edition of District Race...

Race Reflections: The Straits Time Run 2019 (18.45KM) (by Rebekah Ong)

Have you ever wondered or questioned yourself “Why did I do this again?!”  Well, that happened to me when I signed up for this year Straits Times Run 18.45KM category.  I told myself never would I participate in a run category which is more than 10KM but I had...