Expert Beginner Tips to Improve Running Pace

Beginning runners fall into two different categories when it comes to pacing. The first is that group who goes right for a fast pace,...

7 Smart Suggestions to Get Kids Involved into Running

Running is an activity everyone should practice regularly, since it promotes psychological, mental, and physical benefits. Childhood obesity has tripled since 1980. If you...

D-I-Y Crossfit

Try it CrossFit on your own before joining a class, or simply use it as a base workout to complement other sports....

Running Clubs in Singapore: Runninghour

Are you bored of running alone? Why not join a running club? With running clubs, it will enhance...

Cross-Training: What, Why, How, When

Mix It Up! If your exercise routine up till now only includes running, it’s highly recommendable that you start including various other types of activities...

8 Tips for Running at Night

Given the tropical heat, and most people’s work schedules, it isn’t unusual that a large number of runners only get a chance to lace...

3 Months to Marathon: The Dos and the Don’ts

Whether you are counting down to the largest and highly-anticipated race of the year in Singapore, The Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2015, or another...

5 Basic Types of Runs All Runners Need

If you want to be a better runner, you can't just go out and run for as long as you can or as fast...

Running Plateau: A Runner’s Worst Nightmare

You have been running for awhile and doing great. You are losing those pesky pounds, getting toned and feeling healthier. But then, suddenly, you...

Cross Training: Wax on and wax off, Karate Kid!

I was asked by one of my athletes, who was rather well read to explain the Principle of Specificity and the Principle of Variation...

Flabby Arms? 5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Them Once And For All

You are getting ready for a big night out. You have got your dress right and your makeup right but as you walk past...

6 Alternatives to Energy Gels & Bananas

During runs, many of us take energy gels or bananas because they are convenient sources of carbohydrates which help fuel our each step. But...

Looking Forwards – by Rebekah Ong

The first half of 2017 has quickly came and gone. Just the first half of this year I have taken part in 6 run...

5 Tips For Any Runner To Become Faster

We runners are always looking for ways to get faster, to go the extra mile. Here are 5 tips for any runner to become...

Overuse Injuries: 5 Ways to Avoid Overexertion and Training Errors

You have heard it before. Exercise - be it running, cycling or core strength building - is great for your body. This is due...

10 Tips To Avoid A Side Stitch

Side Stitch - the bane of all runners. We do the necessary prep, we train hard, we taper well, we eat clean, we carb-load,...
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