Training | JustRunLah! - Part 8


5 Tips for Running Your Best 5K

The 5k (3.11 miles) race is one of the most popular running events around the world. Whether you are looking to boost your speed or finish your first race, the 5k is an excellent opportunity to get your initial taste of racing and have fun. However, despite its quite short...

Looking After Your Running Shoes For Ultimate Comfort

A recent study done by the University of Arizona found that the average pair of shoes had 2,887 units of bacteria on the inside and a massive 421,000 units on the outside. Added to this is the additional sweat from running, and soon your shoes can become damp, smelly...

How Can Yoga Improve Your Sleep Quality? A Step-by-Step Guide

The problem might be a little deeper if you've been struggling with getting proper sleep despite trying out several medicines and a host of sleeping positions. Lack of sleep can have various causes unrelated to how or where you sleep. Physical inactivity is one of the most common causes...

Becoming a Better Runner: A How-To Guide

Running is a popular hobby for a lot of people. It is a great way to get fit, increase your stamina, and improve your muscle tone, and it can do wonders for your mental health. Most people have a goal in mind when they start running, whether that is...

The Best Supplements For Better Health

It is difficult to know which dietary supplement to take for optimal health. From incredible promises on labels hinting that what is in the bottle is vital to cure any sickness under the sun to Instagram influencers selling their must-have concoction, determining which supplements and ensuring there are worth...

Health care crisis – what can I do to help?

After the pandemic period, our society suffers a health care crisis, including physical and mental health. The European Commission released a new health program for the 2021-2027 period.  The program aims to strengthen prevention, surveillance, and crisis response. It allows the EU to invest in the creation of reserves...

Compete Your Fastest Mile at Under Armour All Out Mile Today!

Challenge yourself by joining the Under Armour All Out Mile from 1 June to 5 June, with help from Under Armour athletes and coaches.  The UA All Out Mile provides the motivation, the coaching, and the training plan to help runners run their fastest mile. With virtual participation in 14 countries, Under Armour has...

Adidas And Parley For The Oceans Unite Sporting Communities Across The Globe To...

adidas x Parley’s global impact initiative, Run for the Oceans, returns for its fifth year, uniting sporting communities across the planet More activities than ever will be eligible for Run for the Oceans, with the introduction of tennis, wheelchair movement, football and more. For every 10 minutes of running recorded...