4 Secrets To Being A Faster Runner

All great runners have a couple of things in common. And it is these things that are actually the secret ingredients to becoming a great runner. All great runners all have a routine that they stick to as consistently as possible. However, despite the rigidity, their routine is also...
Want To Race Faster, Try Training Slower

It seems rather counter-intuitive doesn't it? We always think, to run faster, we have to run fast. But, why don't we think, to run faster, we just have to run more! And in order to run more without burning out, we should incorporate slower runs into our training. Did...
4 Classic Track Workouts For Long Distance Runners

The track is a runners' playground - long distance runners included. It isn't just for sprinters and middle distance runners. In fact, long-distance runners can benefit greatly from track workouts.
In essence, there are 3 ingredients to becoming a great long-distance runner - speed, endurance, and specific endurance. Specific endurance...
To Become A Better Cyclist, Focus On These 4 Elements

It's always important to get back to the basics. To become better, often you have to work on the basic elements of the game. Footballers don't just play football all day every day. They work on their footwork, stamina, strength and their shooting techniques respectively. Likewise, to become a better...
Taurus: What does your horoscope says about your health & fitness?

The Taurus-born is really chilled out. However, they carry with them the stubborn trait. They like to be their own boss. They have somewhat conflicting traits at 2 different ends of a pole. This is why a fitness regime that gets the fight out of their system coupled with...
Aries: What does your horoscope says about your health & fitness?

Aries is a symbol of energy and enthusiasm. The Aries-born is like a ball of energy that craves attention and competition. They dislike inactivity. Hence, go for a fitness regime that uses massive amounts of energy that gives you the spotlight you desire. It is in the Aries sign's...
Pisces: What Does Your Horoscope Say About Your Health And Fitness?

The Pisces is creative, selfless and sensitive. This water sign is also intuitive, gentle and very spiritual. This sign should work with the fact that they are a water sign and the fact they enjoy alone time. Sports activities that are connected to the water element and has a...
Capricorn: What Does Your Horoscope Say About Your Health And Fitness?

The Capricorn sign is really disciplined, dependable and hardworking. It is a sign that represents responsibility and they are great managers. Capricorns are perhaps a little of an overachiever some might say. Hence Capricorns need a good challenge. Give yourself a good challenge with these workouts.
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