3 Stretches Every Runner MUST DO Before Every Run!

We runners love to run, but we often neglect the warmup. We would much rather get straight into the part we love - running. We have to bear in mind, however, that warming up can keep injuries at bay which could keep us away from our beloved sport for...
8 Tips For A Successful Taper

If you are anything like me, I absolutely love taper week. Your running is reduced, your mileage is reduced and your intensity is reduced. It's a kick back and relax week. It's about staying rested, and getting yourself mentally prepared. Tapering is actually a very important element in marathon...
4 Biggest Problem Areas For Runners

Runners need to be strong in certain areas. This allows to run better, faster, stronger and more efficiently. With a strong form, your form won't falter easily. A bad faltering form is a recipe for injury. When our form falters we tend to put pressure on muscles, tendons and...
Low Rope/Rope Climb Technique
I was first introduced to the Low Rope obstacle of the Standard Obstacle Course (SOC) during Basic Military Training (BMT). Low rope is equivalent to the 'Rope Climb' in Obstacle Course Racing (OCR). In this article, I'm going to share a technique I've used to overcome this obstacle.
Either you...
7 Types Of Fartlek Trainings You Need To Try

Fartlek is the Swedish term for speed play. It is a training method that blends continuous training with interval training. Simply put, it is defined periods of fast running, intermixed with periods of slow running. The Fartlek is really what separates the Kenyan training from the training elsewhere. It...
High Intensive Interval Training (HIIT) For Losing Weight
High Intensive Interval Training (HIIT) workouts are one of the most effective method in losing weight, fast. HIIT requires you to give your 100% through quick, intense bursts of exercise followed by short, active recovery periods. This type of training gets your heart rate up, and burn more fats...
8 Legends, 8 Great Workouts [Part 2]

You don’t get to be an elite runner or an Olympian without a few lung-busting workouts! Most elite athlete’s have their very own staple workout, or favourite workout. Check them out and hit the roads to try them our for yourselves. Here is Part 2!
#5 Deena Kastor
Photo Credits: Deena...
7 Stretches For Runners

Stretching is the most neglected aspect for a runner. Think about it, we spend often more than an hour running but stretching for what only 5 minutes? It is a really important aspect of training because it can prevent injury. I mean, what is the point of running for...