Flabby Arms? 5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Them Once And For All

You are getting ready for a big night out. You have got your dress right and your makeup right but as you walk past your mirror to leave, you see a jangle happening in your arm. Flabby arms are not only unsightly, they are also a sign that you...
3 New & Fun Fitness Workouts You Should Try In 2017

Whether you are a workout junkie, or just someone who is looking for something new to try in 2017, you need to know that in our current, highly volatile society, there is always something NEW that’s happening somewhere. And you need to go try it out!
Here are 3 crazy...
Best Exercises for Slimmer Thighs

Every woman desires slim thighs that they can show off in short skirts and shorts. However, the exercises we are doing may just be making them larger or more muscular, depending on the reason why our thighs are looking the way they are to start with.
The thing to take...
Is The Haze Back? Useful Tips for All of Us!
As of this morning, based on the National Environment Agency, the 1-hour PM2.5 showed that the air quality in North Singapore 124, West Singapore 181, Central Singapore 64, East Singapore 47 and South Singapore 82. A good air quality PSI reading should fall between 0-50. So yes,...
5 Excellent Fitness Exercises for Runners

The thing with running is that it is a one repetitive movement pattern across one plane and you will be using the same muscles over and over again. Many other muscle groups that could increase your running efficiency are often neglected. Mixing up your routine with other fitness exercises...
5 Basic Types of Runs All Runners Need

If you want to be a better runner, you can't just go out and run for as long as you can or as fast as you can. Well, you may be able to improve to a certain extent, but if you want to bring your running performance to the...
Indoor Cycling, All You Need To Know!
If you're hoping to ...
Do a cardio and strength workout on a rainy day or a scorching hot day.
Burn up to 600 calories in 45-minutes!
de-stress with beats of awesome music after getting through a long work day.
Then indoor cycling, an intense and fast-paced sport, is what...
Crossfit – All You Need To Know

Crossfit, in a nutshell, is being Jack of all trades and Master of none! What is special about Crossfit is that it's speciality lies in not specializing. To be good at Crossfit, you have to be good at everything.
What is Crossfit?
So what does it mean to be good at...