Travelling | JustRunLah! - Part 9


Race Review: 2018 Goodlife Rottnest Island Marathon (by Doctor Will)

Ten years ago, when I first started running, I ran my second marathon only 6 weeks after my first. I told myself I wouldn’t do that again, and I haven’t. Instead, this month, I ran a marathon only 1 week after another one. The Goodlife Rottnest Island Marathon celebrated its...

Race Review: 2018 Medibank Melbourne Marathon (by Dr. Will)

On a work trip to Melbourne three years ago, a friend told me about running toward the Melbourne Marathon’s Finish Line by taking a lap inside the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground, and ever since then this race has been on my list. Finally, this month, I saw what all...

Mongolia Sunrise to Sunset – MS2S – 2019: Online Registration for the Magical...

20 years of the most remote and beautiful ultra-trail running, 20 years of charity for Hovsgol National Park and its population: The anniversary Mongolia Sunrise to Sunset (MS2S) 42km and 100km trail run took place in early August at the shores of mighty Lake Hovsgol in Northern Mongolia. Runners from no less...

Review: My Berlin Marathon 2018 (by healthobeing)

This is the 2nd Major in my life.  I balloted this race for 2 years, and last year because of the extra 1000 charity slots which opened up later at a first come first serve basis.  The entry free is the same at 108 euros. The Race Expo Held at the...

My Blackmores Sydney Marathon 2018 [FM] (by Lingderella)

I'm one super blessed girl! I was thinking about where should I run next and jio-ed my family for a holiday and taaadaaaa! We're in Sydney! ? It's a 10 days trip for us and we started out from Melbourne, rented a car, head Sydney. A big thanks to...

Race Review: International Bintan Marathon 2018 [21.1KM] (by maylindateo)

International Bintan Marathon was held on 9th September 2018 and is Bintan Resorts’ inaugural running event. It is jointly organised by Bintan Resorts and Orange Room, an event organising company in Singapore. The event took place in the charming island of Bintan (Indonesia) where it is usually popular with...

Bungled this Jungle Run – 5th Bulusan Eco Trail Run [28K] (by TheMadOne)

If you'd rather watch than read, well hit the Play button below. Oh so you want to read? Well, here's the blah blah blah. This is my first trail run outside of Singapore.  What happened?  Broken down below in sequence. Flag off Supposedly 630am but we started 650am.  Didn't really mind.  It helped...

Report: Taipei Yang Ming Shan Ultra Marathon 2018 (by healthobeing)

Taking a long break from work and stuff to Taiwan for two months allowed me to take part in 2 runs in this travel destination this year, which to most Singaporeans, for food shopping and sight seeing.  Taiwan actually has very interesting nature to offer and being an island near...