8 Plank Variations That Work

A strong core is vital in running! You need a strong core to keep your form upright. It is often when we are an hour in a race that our form starts to falter. Our faltering form is what is keeping us from our next personal best. Work on...
8 Commandments Of Trail Running

So you want to be the next Kilian Jornet? You want to give trail running a go. I mean who wouldn’t. With the beautiful scenery trail running has to offer – you really do see parts of the world you would never get to see but for trail running....
5 Running & Fitness Books All Runners Read

The wisdom of running doesn't always just come with spending your time pounding the pavement. Sometimes, it is moments spent curled up on a couch reading a good run book that takes your running a step further. Books may not give you a runners high, but it may give...
Kilian Wins Hardrock 100 With Dislocated Shoulder

The world's best mountain runner, King of Endurance Kilian Jornet shows us once again why he is King. The Hard Rock 100 is a rigorous race - a mountain trail race that crosses 100.5 miles of a rugged mountainous terrain.
Defending champion Kilian came in Champion again to score his...
5 Hikes In Asia That Should Be On Your Bucket List

Despite the challenging climbs, being rewarded by the stunning panoramic views keeps mountain-lovers coming back for more. You can't call yourself an avid mountain lover if you haven't conquered these hikes. These are the 5 Hikes in Asia you must put on your bucket list!
#1 Mount Fansipan, Vietnam
Photo Credits:...
George Town World Heritage Day Run @ The Performance Series Penang

Come celebrate the Penang heritage roots together with The Performance Series Penang! Happening on the George Town World Heritage Day weekend - 9th July 2017, there is no better way to see all the Penang Heritage this island has to offer. On foot is really the best way to...
Good News For Runners – NO HAZE IN 2017!

We runners are hard to please. We complain when it rains, when it's too hot, and of course the bane of all Malaysian and Singaporean Runners' life - HAZE! It really hit us hard when the biggest run in Malaysia - KL Standard Chartered Marathon 2015 was cancelled abruptly...
My Race in Review: Kyoto Marathon 2017

Nothing went to plan. It wasn't supposed to be Kyoto Marathon, it was supposed to be Tokyo Marathon 2017! I was supposed to finally run my dream race. Unfortunately, I didn't get the ballot. So, in Kyoto I was.
Okay, I admit I was still excited lah. I mean people...