第十屆薄扶林慈善挑戰盃暨家庭同樂日 10th Pokfulam Challenge – Charity Run & Family Day 2016
Date: | 24 April 2016 |
Venue: | 薄扶林水塘郊野公園家樂徑 (港島徑段) Pokfulam Country Park and Family Walk (Part of HK Trail) |
Time: | 10:00 am |
Location: | Hong Kong |
Categories: | 10 km |
Entry fees
個人組別 港幣$280
隊際盃4人組別 每隊港幣$1120元
Individual HK$ $280
Team (with 4-pax) HK$1120 per team
隊際盃4人組別 每隊港幣$1120元
Individual HK$ $280
Team (with 4-pax) HK$1120 per team
More about this event
是次活動部份收益,將撥捐受惠機構-EMERGENCY Hong Kong 緊急香港 (慈善團體編號:91/12960)。
緊急機構 (EMERGENCY) 是一個獨立和中立的非牟利人道救援組織,於1994年在意大利成立,致力為武裝衝突和地雷的傷者,以及貧困人士,提供免費的外科護理以及醫療援助。緊急機構 (EMERGENCY)促進和平、互助以及尊重人權。
Objectives: Help to raise fund for charity organization-partial proceeds of the 10th Pokfulam Challenge - Charity Run & Family Day 2016 will be donated to EMERGENCY Hong Kong (HK charitable organization No: 91/12960)
Beneficiary: EMERGENCY is an independent and neutral humanitarian organization found in Italy in 1994, to provide free, high quality medical and surgical treatment to the victims of war, landmine and poverty. EMERGENCY promotes a culture of peace, solidarity and respect for human rights.
是次活動部份收益,將撥捐受惠機構-EMERGENCY Hong Kong 緊急香港 (慈善團體編號:91/12960)。
緊急機構 (EMERGENCY) 是一個獨立和中立的非牟利人道救援組織,於1994年在意大利成立,致力為武裝衝突和地雷的傷者,以及貧困人士,提供免費的外科護理以及醫療援助。緊急機構 (EMERGENCY)促進和平、互助以及尊重人權。
Objectives: Help to raise fund for charity organization-partial proceeds of the 10th Pokfulam Challenge - Charity Run & Family Day 2016 will be donated to EMERGENCY Hong Kong (HK charitable organization No: 91/12960)
Beneficiary: EMERGENCY is an independent and neutral humanitarian organization found in Italy in 1994, to provide free, high quality medical and surgical treatment to the victims of war, landmine and poverty. EMERGENCY promotes a culture of peace, solidarity and respect for human rights.
Runner's Entitlement
Race Apparel
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
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