Date: 7 January 2018
Venue: Komplex Sukan Balik Pulau
Time: 07:30 am
Location: Penang, Malaysia
Categories: Distance appox35 KM (Loop 1-15KM, Loop 2-20km)
  Entry fees
RM 10
  More about this event
2018 EcoCITY RIDE - the fellowship ride that cyclists look forward to because it is a chance to cycle and enjoy the views of Penang while celebrating the city status of Penang Island. This year, it will be the fourth edition of City Ride and City Ride 4th Edition Goes Eco will be different.

The City Council of Penang Island has taken the fourth edition to Balik Pulau and this time, it will be an off-road ride in the rustic kampungs, green paddy fields, through fishing villages and the panoramic view of Balik Pulau hills. Grab a slot and enjoy the million dollar green views and fresh air. Limited slots so please register early.

NOTES : Off road rides suitable for mountain bikes and hybrid road bikes fitted for off-road only. No helmet, no ride. Organised by the City Council of Penang Island with G Club Penang, Bike On Friday (BoF), Knights of the Round Table (KOTRT) and assisted by Penang Mountain Bike Association (PMA) with support from government agencies like the PDRM.

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
Light Refreshment
Race Apparel
  Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
  Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.


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