“High Paw!” Virtual Run 2018
More about this event
2018 is coming! Let’s get together and join us in “High PAW!” Virtual Run! Run your way to 2018 with fitness!
No time for Race Kit Collection? Not available on the weekend for events? Not a morning person? No worries, whatever the reason is, we are here to provide you a solution to get healthy and fit at your own time, at your own pace and earn yourself a well-deserved entitlement!
Malaysian, Non-Malaysian, as long as you wish to show your support, unite, sweat and get fit with us, register now and start running your 8km (can be accumulative; e.g. 2.5km + 3.5km + 2km or of course you are most welcome to complete the 8km at one GO!) to 4th February 2018.
Show us your 8km run record(s) and claim your Finisher Tee and Medal!
“High PAW!” Virtual Run is open to all who have a valid address in Malaysia or Singapore! Just provide us your address and we will deliver your entitlement!
*For outside of Malaysia & Singapore, kindly contact us for further detail.
No time for Race Kit Collection? Not available on the weekend for events? Not a morning person? No worries, whatever the reason is, we are here to provide you a solution to get healthy and fit at your own time, at your own pace and earn yourself a well-deserved entitlement!
Malaysian, Non-Malaysian, as long as you wish to show your support, unite, sweat and get fit with us, register now and start running your 8km (can be accumulative; e.g. 2.5km + 3.5km + 2km or of course you are most welcome to complete the 8km at one GO!) to 4th February 2018.
Show us your 8km run record(s) and claim your Finisher Tee and Medal!
“High PAW!” Virtual Run is open to all who have a valid address in Malaysia or Singapore! Just provide us your address and we will deliver your entitlement!
*For outside of Malaysia & Singapore, kindly contact us for further detail.
Runner's Entitlement
Race Apparel
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
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I’m from Indonesia, can I run on that event ?
how to register and make a payment?