Janda Baik Ultra 2018
Date: | 20 October 2018 |
Venue: | The Red Cabanon |
Time: | 15:00 pm |
Location: | Janda Baik, Pahang, Malaysia |
Categories: | 100 km, 50 km, 30 km |
More about this event
Mandatory Items For 100KM & 50KM Category:
Drinking water minimum 1 liter (bottle or bladder)
Personal cup
Headlamp & Spare battery
Mobile phone
Race bib
Mandatory Items For 30KM Category:
Drinking water minimum 500ml (bottle or bladder)
Personal cup
Mobile phone
Race bib
Random gear checks may be performed during the event. Any participant found with incomplete mandatory gear will incur a penalty or disqualification based on the severity of the breach. No negotiations of incomplete mandatory gear condition will be allowed.
Strongly Recommended Items:
Hiking poles
First Aid kits (band, disinfectant, blister pads)
Adhesive elastic band for strapping
Janda Baik Ultra is a qualifying race for the 2019 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®
Finishers of 100km - in progress
Finishers of 50km - in progress
Finishers of 30km - in progress
Drinking water minimum 1 liter (bottle or bladder)
Personal cup
Headlamp & Spare battery
Mobile phone
Race bib
Mandatory Items For 30KM Category:
Drinking water minimum 500ml (bottle or bladder)
Personal cup
Mobile phone
Race bib
Random gear checks may be performed during the event. Any participant found with incomplete mandatory gear will incur a penalty or disqualification based on the severity of the breach. No negotiations of incomplete mandatory gear condition will be allowed.
Strongly Recommended Items:
Hiking poles
First Aid kits (band, disinfectant, blister pads)
Adhesive elastic band for strapping
Janda Baik Ultra is a qualifying race for the 2019 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®
Finishers of 100km - in progress
Finishers of 50km - in progress
Finishers of 30km - in progress
Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
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For 30km is it still available to register?