Date: 7 December 2019
Venue: Anjung Floria
Time: 11:00 pm
Location: Putrajaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Categories: 5 km
  Entry fees
5KM Adult (13y.o. and above) - RM79.00
5KM Kid (7-12y.o.) - RM69.00
  More about this event
Let us come together for the love of the club, the players, the history, and the style of play binds us together.

The 5km run will take us along magnificent Anjung Floria, Putrajaya. To add to the carnival atmosphere, there will be football-themed games and lucky draw prizes to be won so be sure to bring friends and family along for team RED.

Race Pack Collection is as follows:

i-City Shah Alam. Ground floor, next to Padini store
Friday and Saturday (29/30 November) from 10am to 10pm
For any delivery information, please contact:

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
Race Apparel
Finisher Medal
Race BIB
Drawstring bag
One month unlimited data SIM card
Race Apparel
  Finisher Medal
  Route maps


  1. Thank you for your confirmation of my son’s registration – however, I am his father and I have paid but have not yet received confirmation. I have sent two messages to the organisers via the facility on their website yet I have received no reply. Please advise.

  2. Hi Guys,

    I have yet to receive my registration confirmation. Payment already deducted from my bank account.
    I do need to know where to cpllect the race kits .

  3. How i can get race collection again, i think 30 nov and 1 dec. Because i found date at term and condition. Yestrdy i con’t come bcuse i have work.

  4. I already miss the date of collection? How do I get the race pack now? Please help me? paid all already…please reply asap for Man Utd Fan run this weekend

  5. Please respomd . This saturday is running . Im want to collect my bib . Im already fully paid for this event ?? Who organiser this event , please respond immediately !!!! When we can get our race collection kit for this event on Saturday due to we already miss out date..


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