MOGSC Run 2020
Date: | 22 March 2020 |
Venue: | Quill City Mall |
Time: | 06:00 am |
Location: | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Categories: | 10 km, 5 km, 2 km |
Event management: | NM Galaxy Sdn Bhd |
Notes: | CANCELLED due to COVID-19 |
Event day schedule:

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What is 2KM Disable Fun run ?
Open for all ? Did 2km entitle for t shirt nad medal ?
any age limit for kids? (for 2 adults + 2 kids)
2km Disable run have medal and T-shirt?
When is date for collecting the items….
Competitive Run with Chip BIB?
JANE WONG KAR WAI : 2km disable run for disable participant and guardian. entitle tshirt & finisher medal
ebar86 : kids limit ( 6-12 years old)
Puga : yes, both.
MOHD ZAMAN ZAKARIA : 20,21 march 2020. we will announce the venue soon.
Saidin Md Ali : Yes, for competitive run ONLY
Has the event location changed from Herriot Watt Putrajaya to Quill City Mall?
event location ……putraja or quill mall
Hye..I need to find a consultant for my company club activities.. can I get ur contact no
Z : yes, its confirm at Quill City Mall, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur
ravi : We have change the venue from Heriot-Watt University, Putrajaya to Quill City Mall, Kuala Lumpur.
adibah : visit
What is the ‘Race Pack Collection’ location?
may i know when and where the race pack collection?
mohd fadzli hidzir : Tentatively 20-21 March 2020, 10am – 6pm at Quill City Mall KL.
Hi I am from India and i bookd flight ticket and marathon registration I am coming 21 march 2020 08:00 pm so how I collect my bib number please suggest me a best way thank you
Hi, please kindly direct your query via email to [email protected]. Thank you!
Hi Admin, what is the time for 10km Run starts. I hope it will not be too early because we are muslim people need to perform Morning Fajr Prayer approximately 6am. If 7-7:30 am just nice time to start the race.
Hi Admin,
I’ve just registered to the event but I think I put up the wrong nationality. I accidentally clicked “Malaysia PR” instead of ‘Malaysia Citizen”. What should I do? Can you help me with that?
NOR AZILA : 10km tentatively 7am
Hi Admin, how do I request for another copy of my eticket?
Hi Admin, need to confirm whether this event still on? because most of the event was cancelled or postponed due to covid 19
I admin the race still on? asking because the corona virus situation right now
Where to get the bulk collection form? I emailed and no one replied. You guys never attached in your emails. How am I supposed to fill the form. Please reply fast!
Hi Admin,
When will the entitlements be given/posted to your participants?… Or should we collect them on our own?.. Please advise.. Thanks