Date: 13 September 2015
Venue: The Promontory
Time: 7:00 am
Location: Singapore
Categories: 10 km, 3.5 family walk, 1.2 km (kids), 800 m (kids)
Event management: Esprimo Pte Ltd
Notes: Cancelled due to haze.
  Entry fees
SG50 Run for Kids limited edition gym bag
Run for Kids Runner Tee
Other goodies by sponsors worth $80
  More about this event
  Runner's Entitlement
Race Apparel
Race Pack
  Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
  Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.


    • Janice,
      The organizer will hold the little ones inside tentage and there will be security personnel guarding the entrance. From the tentage to the start of the run will be entirely barricaded. So, you cannot run with your kids. They have to be on their own and you just have to teach them not to dash out at the start (can be dangerous). Oh, disclaimer (This will be my fourth time taking my nephews and assuming everything is the same as before.) Best of luck!

  1. hi i couldnt make it for the packs as im a single mum and had to work. may i know if i can collect it another day before the run and where .

    kindly email the details or i can be contacted at 96481741

  2. Hi, unfortunately I missed the race pack collection over the weekend. I have 2 kids running this year for the first tiime. May I know how can I collect the race packs before the run?

    I can be contacted at 98715941.


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