Run For Peace (Terengganu) 2017
Date: | 14 July 2017 |
Venue: | Tapak Pulau Warisan |
Time: | 07:00 am |
Location: | Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia |
Categories: | TBC |
Entry fees
RM 30
More about this event
“Run for Peace” is a non-competitive event organized by SGM to create awareness of peace and a healthy lifestyle in society. SGM Selangor had organized the first Run For Peace in year 2005. Since then, this activity was organized once in every 2 years. In year 2013, Run For Peace was held in 14 locations and created a wave of peace throughout Malaysia.
About SGM
由马来西亚创价学会举办的“和平之跑” 是一项非竞赛性的竞跑活动, 目的是为了唤起社会大众对和平与健康生活的意识。2005年, 雪兰莪创价学会首次举办了和平之跑活动。至此, 此活动都是以两年一度地进行, 并于2013年扩大至全国14个地点举行, 在全国掀起和平的浪潮!
About SGM
由马来西亚创价学会举办的“和平之跑” 是一项非竞赛性的竞跑活动, 目的是为了唤起社会大众对和平与健康生活的意识。2005年, 雪兰莪创价学会首次举办了和平之跑活动。至此, 此活动都是以两年一度地进行, 并于2013年扩大至全国14个地点举行, 在全国掀起和平的浪潮!
Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
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