Date: 4 July 2015
Venue: F1 Pit Building
Time: 8:00 pm
Location: Singapore
Categories: Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 10 km, 5 km
Event management: HiVelocity
  Event day schedule:
5km - 8:00 pm
10km - 10:00 pm
HM - Midnight
FM - 1:00 am
  Event video:
  Entry fees
  More about this event
  Runner's Entitlement
Race Apparel
Race Pack
  Finisher Medal
  Route maps


  1. Race route was new and good. I believe its the first time we ran on ECP towards Fort Rd.

    100+ were ice cold so another plus point there.

    Hivelocity should consider bringing Sundown Marathon to the next level – IAAF Bronze Level.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. This year was really well-organised, despite the super late flagging of time for FM, the route was not congested at all! Nicer and well-lit route!
    Kudos to all the helpers, have done a good job in cheering on the runner!
    Much plus point to the icy non-diluted 100plus!
    In general, bery well done and keep it up SDM!

  3. mproved conditions at queues and hydration this year, medal cool, but stairs and narrowings still need work on

  4. It was my first marathon ever, running for the 10km. Overall, it is satisfactory with the followings need to be improved:-
    1. The holding area in front of the stalls is a bit dark. Appreciate more light.

    2. More trash bins to be provided with litted ballon hang over them. Too much trash all over the place.

  5. Well done to the organizers ! This year’s route was fun but most of all i noticed the hard work of the security trying to keep things in order as well as the volunteers who stayed up to make sure all of us are enjoying ourselves with the necessaries. Thank you for the pacers who motivated me to not give up towards the end! It was fun and thank you very much!


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