Date: 18 November 2018
Venue: UM Arena, University of Malaya
Time: 0720 am
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Categories: 10 km, 5 km, 1.6 km
  Event day schedule:

0630 am - 0715 am : Registration
0700 am - 0715 am : Warm up session
0715 am : Briefing of rules & regulations
0720 am : FIT RUN 10 kms & 5 kms
Flag off from UM Arena - Bukit Cinta Route
0735 am : FUN RUN 1.6 kms -
Flag off from UM Arena - The Stadium Fun Route
0800 am : Special Preemies' Fun Athletic Games - Heats
: Light Refreshments.
Come visit our booths !
Fun & Games - Bouncing Castle
0830 am : Arrival of VVIPs
- Patron of the Perinatal Society of Malaysia
0840 am : SuperPreemies’ Open Concert
Preemies’ Special Performances
Performances from hospitals
Special Preemie Fun Athletic Games
- Finals
Prize Giving Ceremony
1015 am : More singing, fun & games
Magic Show
1030 am : Brunch
Lucky DrawFun & Games
1130 am - 12 noon : Session Ends
  Entry fees
  More about this event
Visit for further details of the run and why you should support and run for premature babies

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
1. T-shirt
2. Finisher's medal
3. Running Bib
4. Trophy & prize for winners
5. Food, drinks and children's concert.
Race Apparel
Race Pack
Race apparel by: Pentagon Supplies
  Finisher Medal
  Route maps



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