Date: 26 June 2016
Venue: Jurong Lake
Time: 6:30 am
Location: Singapore
Categories: 10 km, 5 km, 2.5 km
Event management: Esprimo Pte Ltd
  Event day schedule:
6.30am: 10km Wave 1
7.15am: 10km Wave 2
8.00am: 10km Wave 3
8.45am: 5km
9.15am: 2.5km
  Event video:
  Entry fees
  More about this event
The Performance Series (TPS) – Singapore, is a series of five races that brings runners through unique iconic landscapes of Singapore. The venues have been chosen so to comprise of island, lake, heartland, reservoir and farm settings.

Through the series, individuals, families and communities will have an opportunity to advance, excel and experience the joy of living better through running. With this series we aim to create a national movement for running and healthy lifestyle. Will you be part of it?

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
Themed Race T-Shirt
Themed Commemorative Medals
Sponsors Products / Vouchers
Electronic Certificate
Finisher T-Shirt (10km finishers only)
Race Apparel
Race apparel by: Compressport
eCertificate issued
  Finisher Medal
  Route maps


  1. How can I view my individual pictures? Apparently there’s no search button I can find. Please help. Thank you.

    BIB #: 4480
    Name: Ailene Malon


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