Date: 14 July 2018
Venue: MPK Padang
Time: 18:00 pm
Location: Sungai Lembing, Pahang, Malaysia
Categories: 12 hours, 6 hours
  Event day schedule:
(12 Hours Category - Saturday 9.00p.m – Sunday 9.00a.m)
(6 Hours Category - Sunday 12a.m - Sunday 6a.m)
  Entry fees
  More about this event
1. Register for the event and proceed with the payment by online transfer, ATM machine transfer or cash deposit to Maybank Acc No: 556093255215, Recipient : Elpis Event Management
2. Send us your bank-in slip and your full name (same as the form) to Whatapps +6012-8089608 / +6012-9215981 OR email to [email protected] for confirmation. Please furnish your bank account holder name and registration name for verification purpose.
3. Please key in your Registration Name under "Recipient Reference" or "Other Payment Details" during transfer for swifter verification.
4. After payment verified, confirmation receipt by email will be sent upon request.

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
1) During the race
Drinking Water
Isotonic drink
Banana Cakes
3-in-1 Milo
3-in-1 Coffee
Sandwiches (Kaya Butter/Peanut Butter/Strawberry Jam)
Roti Canai
2) Snack Time 11:00p.m
Plain Porridge with Salted Egg / Marmite / Chicken
Tou Fu Fa

3) Owl Time - 3:00a.m
Red Bean Soup
Cup Noodles

4) Breakfast - 7:00a.m
Nasi Lemak and Hard Boiled Eggs
Race Apparel
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
  Finisher Medal
  Route maps


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