Date: 19 November 2017
Venue: SJKC True Light
Time: 06:30 am
Location: Juru, Penang, Malaysia
Categories: TBC
  Entry fees
  More about this event
SRJKC True Light Charity Run & Carnival. Located at the heart of Juru Village, this primary school was founded in year 1954. In the journey of reaching 63 years, this school has cultivated many great students and elite talent for the country which fulfilling the purpose of True Light spirit and aiming a greater school for generations to come.

PIBG SJK(C) True Light is organising《2017 True Light Charity Run and Carnival》 and the main objective is to raise PIBG annual activities development fund for the benefit of all our students. Moreover, the enrolment of the students in SJK(C) True Light has increased drastically, and we have initiated to build 4 temporary classrooms and installing coolers for after-school tuition classes.

To make this dream a reality, we will carry out a series of fund raising activities.

The Charity Run is consist of both Competitive Run and Fun Run for the runners to choose according to their fitness level. Don't lose out and BE PART OF IT!! Let us together to participate in this healthy run. All participants will stand to receive the following entitlements: Brooks t-shirt, medal (All 12km finisher and 6km top 30 participants of each category), goodie bag, lucky draw. A lot of fun is awaiting you.

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
Finisher Alloy Medal
Lucky Draw
Light Refreshment
Race Apparel
  Finisher Medal
  Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.


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