Date: 28 February 2025
Venue: Anywhere
Time: TBC
Location: Singapore
Categories: Individual - 15km, Group of 10 - 120km
  Entry fees
This event is FREE and for all South West District Residents ONLY. Each participant is only allowed to participate in ONE category.
Register now!
  More about this event
Registration Period: 1 December 2024 to 31 January 2025
Event Period: 1 January to 28 February 2025

Walk Challenge @ South West 2025 is an annual walking event organised specially for our South West District residents. The aim for the event is to encourage residents to live a healthy and active lifestyle through walking.

There are 2 categories for this walk
- Individual: Complete 15km (accumulative through multiple walks)
- Group of 10 pax*: Complete 120km (accumulative through multiple walks)
*Each member must at least complete 2km

Method of submission:
- Register for this event online
- Submit screenshot(s) of tracker that shows the distance and date of walk
- Running and jogging will not be accepted

Collect your challenge prizes

Eligible participants will be notified closer to date, via email, for the collection of Finisher T-shirt and Vouchers


This year, each step you take helps support “Walk for Good” a meaningful initiative as part of Green Trails @ South West which donates grocery packs to residents in need.

Let us walk together towards better health and a stronger community.

Do submit your photos of yourselves doing the walk challenge here!

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
- e-Certificate
- Finisher T-Shirt (For first 500 finishers from the Individual & Group categories)
- 5 lucky groups under the group category will stand a chance to win $200 supermarket vouchers each (10 members x $20) if they complete at least 120km as a group, with each member contributing at least 2km
- 5 lucky individuals under individual category will stand a chance to win $20 supermarket vouchers each if they complete at least 15km
Race Apparel
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
eCertificate issued
  Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
  Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.


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