Date: 25 October 2015
Venue: Bedok Reservoir
Time: TBC
Location: Singapore
Categories: 5 km
  Entry fees
Individual - $55. Earlybird - $45
5 Tickets - $265 ($53 each) Early bird - $215 ($43 each)
10 Tickets - $500 ($50 each) Early bird - $400 ($40 each)
  More about this event
For Ladies Only

  Runner's Entitlement
Race Pack
a) T-shirt
b) FREE pass to VIVA FIT GYMS (One time only)
c) Finisher gift
and more to come
Race Apparel
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
  Finisher Medal
Photos not yet available. Please check back at a later time.
  Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.


  1. Event had been canceled.

    Update from Facebook: Dear WOW Runners

    It is with utmost regret that we announce that WOW RUN 15 will be CANCELLED.

    Due to the uncertainties of the haze situation, the committee has concluded that it is best for every party, not to proceed with the run. Especially since we cannot forecast the air quality on race day. Your safety and health is our utmost priority. We also have to consider the welfare of the vendors, suppliers and volunteers.

    Other factors that we considered were wastages and loss of income for vendors, suppliers and service providers.

    There is nothig else that we, the organisers, hoped for other than to see this event that we have planned and worked hard for, runs smoothly. And it breaks our hearts to have to cancel the run.

    We seek your kind understanding and cooperation in this matter. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    The balance race pack collection will proceed until Sat 3pm. Exchanges will start thereafter till 8pm.

    WORLD WOW RUN will proceed in Australia (Hamidah Buang) and Atlanta US (Nura Goodson). Malaysia has also cancelled the run and proceed with indoor activities. Singapore runners are cordially invited to participate in WOW RUN MY @ Cyberjaya.

    If the air quality permits, Singapore organisers will flag off on 25th October 2015 @ 0700hrs at various locations in Singapore to commemorate the movement.

    WOW RUN 15 Exco


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