At a glance:

Date: 12 Jun 2023
Activities: Other (Conference)
Venue: Orchard Hotel, Singapore, Singapore
Event day schedule:
09.00am to 05.00pm

  What to expect:


We are constantly faced with challenges of dealing with incoming “stuff” such as taskings, emails, phone calls, and messages. All of these create stress within us and individuals who suffer from chronic or long-term stress can experience symptoms like anxiety, depression and sleep problems. Physically, they also face a high risk of blood pressure, heart disease and even digestive problems. By attending the one-day workshop, you will learn how to improve your mental and emotional state, thus leading to you being personally effective at your workplace. The essential tools and techniques provided in this course will greatly assist you to manage stress both at work and in life.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to;

  • Learn the impact of negative emotions to one’s mental and physical health
  • Definition of Resilience based on the B.A.R. model
  • Understand the Science of Stress and Performance
  • Harness the Mind-Body Connection to create positive emotional states
  • Gain a better understanding of how one should view stress
  • Learn and Apply Stress Busters Techniques to enhance your resilience
  • Utilize the correct words to better handle emotions amid the demands of work and life
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