Submit Content | JustRunLah!

Submit content

A large portion of the content on JustRunLah! is created and maintained by our users. We want to thank all of you  the users – for helping us create the largest resource for running and fitness in Asia.

Below are a couple of ways that you can submit and have your content featured on JustRunLah! 

Be a guest author

We welcome professionals and organizations to share quality editorials and stories of their expertise with our readers. All posts published will need to be of informative and not promotional nature. Please get in touch with us by clicking here to register your interest. Your short biography, photo, and link back to your business will be included for successful applicants.

Start a running blog

Every reader can a blogger on JustRunLah! – Start your own blog and share your running experiences with the rest of the community. Click here to find out more and submit your application.

List an Event

– Submit a running event here. Offline real-world, as well as virtual runs are welcome.

– Submit a non-running, fitness or sports event here. For example, cycling, swimming, yoga, conferences etc.

Event owners, did you know that you can now sell tickets directly on our platform and enjoy free marketing? 

Click here to find out how we can help you with race registrations and ticketing.

List a business / club

We are happy to list your fitness-related business (eg gym, sporting good store) or running club to our database. Please click here to submit the details.