Pacing in Road Races
Hitting the wall is one of the biggest fears of every long distance runner. One of the leading causes is starting out too fast,...
Post Sundown Marathon
After Sundown fever
How was your race last Saturday? Anyone got a PB? I was hit with muscles ache and painful knees. Nevertheless, I'm recovering....
My First Full Marathon
Sundown 2014 is exactly 3 days away. I have signed up for my virgin full marathon! All my past races were 10km and I...
Marathons and Me
Sitting here today thinking about next weekend's Sundown Marathon, has me recollecting marathons past and I've decided that my sporadic and unfulfilled relationship with...
Veteran Ironman Adrian Mok’s running tips

Running Tips From Veteran Ironman Adrian Mok – for Sundown Marathon
Adrian Mok, a former national triathlete and endurance athlete, recently gave a talk to...
Sundown Marathon 2014: 3 weeks to go!

3 weeks to go
... to the annual Sundown Marathon. I have a special thing towards the Sundown marathon, as this was the first 42k...
Costume races and cosplay marathon runners
Creative marathon runners around the world
Looking for costume ideas for your next race? We have put together a collection of some of the most...
Tips From Top Runners for Sundown Marathon: Part II

Who is Who
IT executive Marcus Ong (top) has conquered the Sundown Marathon twice. In 2009, he was the champion for the 10km race. And last...