Dates: 28 June - 21 August, 2022
Event venue: Anywhere
Categories: Run/Walk - 8km / 21km Cycle - 50km / 100km
Event type: Virtual challenge (Accumulative)
Available in: Malaysia, Singapore
  Runner's Entitlement
Entitlement list
Finisher T-Shirt
Finisher Medal
Race Apparel
Race Pack
Run - 8KM Silver RM48 / 21KM Gold RM58
Ride - 50KM Silver RM78 / 100KM Gold RM88
  More information
Are you ready to travel around the world? You may RIDE or RUN around the Seven Continents to enjoy the most exciting journey. After Asia, South America, Europe, North America, Africa and Australia Pit Stops, we arrive at Antarctica now!

Around The World Virtual Challenge’s current seventh and last continent pit stop, ‘ANTARCTICA’. Put on your running shoes and complete a 8km or 21km run. Otherwise, grab your bicycle and ride on the 50km or 100km challenge. Register now to experience the fitness trips and healthier body!

You will get the following entitlements delivery right at your doorsteps:

1. Finisher medal
2. Dry fit Tshirt/Jersey
3. E-certificate

Running Distance: 8km or 21km
Riding/Cycling Distance: 50km or 100km

Registration Deadline: 21st August 2022
Running Period NOW to 21st September 2022
Results Submission ends by 21st September 2022

*Special Promo Price throughout the Period

You can run/ride anywhere at any time. The KM(distance) CAN BE Accumulated in multiple times or at one run.

You can definitely do this at home and with your loved ones too.


Website N/A
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